Expatriate insurance
The insurance covers expatriates or Danes living abroad for a specific period of time.
Want to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone +45 8888 8140.
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Staying secure across borders with an expatriate insurance
Experiencing everyday life in a new country brings changes on several levels, both professional and personal. In your work, challenging tasks and meetings with new people await. In private there may be a need to find a good school for the children and a structure in everyday life that makes it feel like home. There are many things to keep in mind and this can create some uncertainty. For example, where is the help if I get sick or suffer an injury? Feeling secure is important to making the whole package work.
Your employer shares your need to feel secure. Your employer is also required to fulfil its obligations to you as an employee, partly in relation to «Duty of Care» and to other contractual regulations. In addition, your employer must also ensure that you receive all the help and support you need. When it comes to insurance, there should be a clear process for handling claims and a structure for payment transactions in accordance with local legislation.
Gouda and Chubb have entered into a Nordic collaboration to offer our corporate customers a comprehensive insurance solution for their employees on long-term contracts abroad. Our aim is to leverage, as far as possible, Gouda’s Nordic experience and skills in Expatriate insurance, and Chubb’s multinational knowledge and insurance network to meet your needs.
Our joint proposition provides the same locally-based customer service support, claims handling and assistance services.
As a result, we offer you as an employee, similar benefits and conditions. In addition, we can issue local insurancein around 200 countries, which means that our corporate customers and you as an employee receive a more coherent service between the company’s domiciled HQ and your new country of residence.
Together we are enabling a safer, more secure lifestyle for our customers.